On December 22, PE "Inter-Eco" (Vinnytsia) and LLC "STC Promekologiya" (Kremenchuk), together with LLC "Bureau ECO-STREAM" (Kyiv) held an online seminar "Implementation of the MRV (Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of greenhouse gas emissions) system on the enterprise." The seminar covered such issues as a general overview of legislation, the nature and procedure of monitoring, the principles of reporting verification, as well as the current state and prospects of the MRV system. The program of the seminar included presentations by specialists and communication in the format of questions and answers. The speakers were Vadym Honcharuk, Viktoriya Tsimbalyuk and Victoriya Chyzhyk (all of them from "Inter-Eсo" PE), as well as Serhiy Plashikhin (TOV "Bureau" ECO-STREAM). The event was attended by more than thirty participants, mostly representatives of enterprises, companies-consultants and the educational institution. The materials of the seminar aroused interest from the participants, so in the near future the presentations and video materials will be made publicly available on our company's website.