Ms Hrunkovska specializes in special water use and waste management. Her extensive experience and knowledge help her to address customers’ challenges confidently and perfectly with consideration of all options and features.
Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Specialist Honor's Diploma in Ecology and Environmental Protection, 2008.
Trainings And Courses
Online seminar on Nature Protection. Legal Requirements On Natural Preserved Areas, State Environmental Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management, Kyiv, October 2021.
Online seminar on Sustainable Water Management and Compliance with Water Legislation, State Environmental Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management, Kyiv, September 2021.
Online seminar on Use of Electronic Services of the Web Portal "EcoSystem", State Environmental Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management, Kyiv, September 2021.
Advanced training on Development of Water Use Norms and Documents for Obtaining a Permit for Special Water Use in Accordance with the Current Legislation, TMS – Academy, Center for Advanced Training of Water Management Employees, Kyiv, November 2018.
Advanced training on Calculation of Maximum Permissible Concentrations of Pollutants in Treated Wastewater Discharge into Natural Reservoirs, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Protection of Ukraine, the State Ecological Academy of Postgraduate Education and Management, Kyiv, April 2011.
Key Projects
Calculation of maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants in treated wastewater discharge and preparation of documents for obtaining a permit for special water use for the following: -thermal power plants of DTEK ZAKHIDENERGO Group (Ladyzhyn city, Burshtyn city, Dobrotvir township); -water supply and discharge collecting communal utilities such as "Vinnytsiaoblvodokanal", "Barvodokanal", "Khmilnykvodokanal", "Vinnytsiamiskteploenergo"; -oilseed processing plants such as PJSC "Vinnytsky OZhK"; -distilling plants such as LLC "LVN LIMITED", SE "Bdzhilniansky Distilling Plant"; -agricultural enterprises such as PJSC "ZERNOPRODUKT MHP", PJSC "PC "Podillya"; -food industry enterprises such as PJSC "Vinnytsia confectionery factory", LLC "Terra Food", PJSC "Vinnytsia Dairy Plant "Roshen"; -national cargo and passenger carrier the JSC "Ukrainian Railways" (Regional branch "South-Western Railway").
Development of water use and discharge limits for LADYZHYNSKA TPP OF JSC DTEK ZAKHIDENERGO and PJSC "PC "Podillya" Sugar Factory.
Development of limits for drinking water for Polytechnic College No42 Pogrebishche city, SE "Clinical Sanitarium"AVANGARD" of PJSC "UKRPROFOZDOROVNYTSIA".
Environmental Impact Assessment for LLC "Agrocomplex "Zelena Dolyna " (Unified Register of EIA No. 2021467642), water supply and discharge collecting communal utilities "Barvodokanal" " (Unified Register of EIA No. 201811132150), LLC "ECO-SPHERE" " (Unified Register of EIA No. 201812282557).
Inventory of waste types generated at the enterprises of LADYZHYNSKA TPP of JSC DTEK ZAKHIDENERGO, LLC "Zhdanivskyi Sugar Factory", LLC "Agrocomplex "Green Valley", PJSC "PC Podillya", LLC "MANN-HUMMEL FT UKRAINE", PJSC "Vinnitsia OZhK".
Development of register maps of OUV and OUV and filling in waste declarations for: LADYZHYNSKA THERMAL POWER PLANT JSC DTEK ZAKHIDENERGO, Branches "Zhdanivskyi Sugar Factory" LLC "Sugaragroprom", LLC "Agrocomp". "Zelena Dolyna", PJSC "PC "Podillya", LLC "MANN-HUMMEL FT UKRAINE", PJSC "Vinnitsa OZHK", LLC "Poultry Farm Podillya", KP "Vinnytsia Regional Psychoneurological Hospital named after. akademies. O.I. Yushchenko".
Completeing of registers of waste generation, treatment and disposal and filling in waste declarations for LADYZHYNSKA TPP of JSC DTEK ZAKHIDENERGO, LLC "Zhdanivskyi Sugar Factory", LLC "Agrocomplex "Green Valley", PJSC "PC Podillya", LLC "MANN-HUMMEL FT UKRAINE", PJSC "Vinnitsia OZhK", LLC "Poultry Farm Podillya" and Communal Enterprise "Vinnytsia Regional Psychoneurological Hospital named after Academician O.I. Yushchenko ".
Development of passports for waste disposal sites and technical waste passports for LADYZHYNSKA TPP of JSC DTEK ZAKHIDENERGO, LLC "Zhdanivskyi Sugar Factory", LLC "MANN-HUMMEL FT UKRAINE", PJSC "Vinnitsia OZhK",